Pause before you click to accept “terms and conditions”
By clicking on an app’s “terms and conditions”, you may be giving up important rights and protections in case you are injured.
By clicking on an app’s “terms and conditions”, you may be giving up important rights and protections in case you are injured.
By law, the negligent actor is liable for making a pre-existing injury worse. Our client put this to the test – three times.
When the person that hits an officer claims there were no emergency lights or sirens on, independent witnesses corroborating them are critical.
GEICO initially denied our police client’s claim arguing his operation of a cruiser was a “business use”. We took GEICO to court.
Persuading THREE different insurance companies that even if the defendant had a yellow light it was not a valid defense
What can officers do today to protect themselves in case they are catastrophically injured in the future?
The responsible party had limited insurance coverage. Thankfully, the firefighter’s personal auto insurance provided additional protection.